PinnedPublished inmeaningfulAmerica’s Psychosis (and the Corporate Cure)Will Stakeholder Capitalism help a country in crisis?Nov 17, 2020Nov 17, 2020
PinnedPublished inmeaningfulWork As UXTrying to understand The Great Resignation? Start by taking a look at your business mission.Nov 8, 2021Nov 8, 2021
PinnedPublished inmeaningfulWhat it means to be meaningful.Can you state the goal of your company, without using numbers or dollar signs?May 26, 20201May 26, 20201
Trump and the Tech Industrial ComplexWhat’s happening in America right now is about more than politics and economics. It’s about personal grievances and retribution. And I’m…Jan 21Jan 21
What does carbon capture and AI have in common?Or how innovation fails to realize its potential when we misuse it.Jan 5, 20241Jan 5, 20241
Published inmeaningfulDeepfaking HumanityWhat’s all the buzz about ChatGPT? No, really, I’m asking.Apr 27, 2023Apr 27, 2023
This is sad.Q: If we are called "Ransomed & Redeemed" what were we ransomed from? A: Sin. Q: What are we redeemed into? A: Our glory.Dec 29, 2021Dec 29, 2021
Published inmeaningfulStakeholder Capitalism needs a better name.It’s a vague, corporate, starched shirt of a name. No one really knows what it means. And that is brand suicide.Aug 10, 2021Aug 10, 2021
Published inmeaningfulCreativity Explained. (And why it will be mission critical in 2021.)Creativity has always been the competitive advantage. And in 2021, it will be mission critical…Jan 6, 2021Jan 6, 2021
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then why do we talk so much?A brief reflection on the need for Visual Thinking.Nov 19, 2020Nov 19, 2020